100 baby challenge :)

100 baby challenge :)

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Baby number 2 and the visit to the court :)

The next morning i decided to Teach harmony to talk.

Then i taught her to walk. comee to mummy i said

Goood  girl harmony you learned how to walk, mamas proud of you chick!

Then she went and played with the xylaphone

Then with the blocks , she always gets frustrated at the blacks as you can see haha! " goo in dea! no no no!" harmony cried

i hung out the wet laundry. it was soaking !

i read the paper saying that there were a couple of deaths but i was excited about the baby section :)

i put harmony in her crib , aint she a cutiee

i tended to my garden while she was sleeping. i wasnt tired because i had a nap earlier on in the day

i had a opportunity to deliver cookies to the local school, you should of seen all the childrens faces, i cant wait till my harmony goes to school

then i caught some butterflys!:)

i went to the park and bumped into my sister and her boyfriend.
as usuall we mads silly faces to each other

i met a cute guy down in the park his name was jua, he was super cutee well thats what i thought

so i decided to take him home with me

and he whispered in my ear. "Melody is it really true? your a challenge mother? does that mean i can be in it ?!" he said enthusically " yes, yes and ovcorse why else would i bring you back here jua?"i said " enough chit chat lets get down to buiseness then!" he said happily

We went to the bed and did the deed but no chimes of sucsess.

erm jua? it didnt work can we try again?
course anything to bring a bundle of joy into the world!

and we did it again and sucsess!!

i seen him playing with harmony and told him that he didnt have to do that and about the rules of being one of the few challenge fathers.

He soon left and i taught Har how to go to the potty.

Whos my little angel ? i cooed  "is it me ma?" she questioned  course lovie and then i tickled her

soon after i ran to the toilet.

i went to the store to meet one of my celebrity friends. stupid papps follow is everywhere !

my teensy tiny bump :)

i got home and called Amber lights " heey amber how you doing with the challenge?" i said " hello melody im doing anazing and how are you doing? i heard you had a baby girl called harmony? im so happy for you" yeah amber i did and guess what ? im Pregnant again im so excited , this time i hope for a boy. ohh i have to go harmonys crying ill talk to you latersss byee  and i hung up

i was getting mighty huge, i thiught i was having twins

i put harmony to sleep that night.

then the pains started in  the early hours of the morning

then the sparkled engulfed me i was excited :)

i got a little boy, his name is max and he weighs 7pounds and 2 oz!
The next day i aged up harmony

woossshhh, she blew the candels out

What a bad moment to capture her :L she looks so funny ageing up shell be a stunner no doubt!

harmony came out to see me in the hot tub.
ma how come i cant get in?
aww sweetie this tub is especially for teens and adults so youll be abel to when your older !
i cant wait till i age up now !

My little harmony is a wee genus she playes chess all the time.

I went to the city hall that night because i had been publically discraced and i accused them of slander!

I won the case i was so happy!

I cooked some brekkie mmm fruit parifrait!

i snuggle my little max

and kissed his belly :) this is going to be the best challenge i have ever done in my life!

i went to the bubble machine and blew some bubbles, it was quite fun.

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