100 baby challenge :)

100 baby challenge :)

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

birthdays and A skeleton?

I woke up the next morning to find Damon Cleaning the high chairs! such a good boy! <3
And Chelsay playing with her sister <3
I decided that today was going to be a skills day for my gosties,
Come to mommy Ellie!
* she just sits there*
we have alot of improving there.
Say money Ellie.
which reminds me that we need some more of that!
Say diner Gracie !
Good girl!, next was the thing i hated... POTTY TRAINING!
Grace was a pro at it!
Ellie looked at me with her cute little eyes!
That night after teaching the toddlers all their skills Damon invited his boyfriend over and they had a birthday PARTAAY! and this is how damon turned out....
He lookes lovely! his sence of style is the most unique one i have seen in all my children so far! Yes i know he is Gay but i am fine with that, it is his choice in life and if he wants to be gay then i respect him! i will still love him with all my heart no matter what!
While i was painting this cool picture, damon left to live with Davey.
I decided to age up the Vampire twins!

Beth looked Stunning! She Got her looks from her Father!

Chelsay Was Gorgeous! She looks so much like her day the only thing of mine she has is the eyes!

I gazed down at my HUGE stommach.
your getting big little one i cooed Youll be out in this world soon, i actually couldnt wait to have another child, i LOVE this challenge. with the kicks of my unborn baby i went back to buiseness. i went out to the back garden. 
Chelsay was working out, i needed to talk to her later about her exessive excercising...
Moments later the famous labour pains started..
*puff puff puff* CHELSAY TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL! *heavy breathing*
Okay ma but i cant drive?
we set off for another hospital birth
When we got there there were quite alot of people freaking out! the worst person was previous father David Findle! I then Came out the hospital with a Beautiful baby boy....
Welcome Aj Allison!
My little Aj! i love you so much!
i then decided to Age up the Ghosties Starting With Ellie
Then Grace :) i couldnt wait to see what they turned out to be like! they will be beauties anyway!
Grace is a cutie! ( i couldnt take pics of her in CAS because it goes funny :\)
Ellie, what can i say?! i absolutely LOVE her hair, i think she should keep it long but it is her choice after all!
Harmony called me and told me about Jack the Skellington and said he was a good candindate for a challenge father so i invited him over.
Hello my name is jack the Skellington!
hello, you allready know my name since you have been intouch with my daughter, its nice to meet you!
i am excited to be in your challeng as my wife Sally is a doll and cannot conceive any children, so my fate lies here with you.. Will you accep me in your challenge?
Of corse i will , but will your wife mind?..
No no certanly not she was the one who told me to come and see you.
Well lets go to the bedroom ;) 
The Sweet sewwt lullaby sounded!
Jack went home and i prepared stuffed turkey for the girls!
Dinnah wasnt good, i voimited straight after, could be a sighn of pregnancy?
GOD DAMN IT! flush, GO away i dont want my kids seeing my vomit!, it went away after acouple of muinets of shouting at it
Morning babe!
Aj: baby gurgles and giggles
time for breakfast!
i gave Aj his morning bottel and then put him back in his crib to enjoy his peaceful slumber.
Chelsay Changed her look, because of her excessive excercizing she got thinner..
I started a newpainting, it actually looked quite good! :)
*Sign lanuage to Gracie* How would you like a brother or sister?
That would be soo cool mum!
thank goodness we got the approval!
This was the Finished Painting!, i Decided to keep it other than sell it because it was one of my best peices so far!
Aj looked so cuytee! :3
Shortley after Aj's birthday i went into labour, it had to be the insane daughter that took me to the hospital...
I had Twin Daughters i would like you to meet...
Faren Allison
Violet Allison
(^ Named after one of my best friends and fellow challenge mum's Violet jane Newbie)
I needed more room in the house so i decided to Age up the Teens!
Chels, looked happt to be going in to Adulthood!
Beth, Looked SO PRETTY! she pinned her hair up which i think suits her very well!

Chelsay was going to have to fight the men off of her she was such a stunner!
 Thankyou For reading! laeva comments below, Don't be shy! <3 thankyou for all the support yous all have gave me!
if you want to gift the children things you can do so Here. You can also add me on facebook, all you have to do is ask! Ohh before i go Fathers,babynames and butterfly names are all welcome!
Love Mel <3 xxxx